3D Mode Screen Layout

  1. Main Menu
    • Main menu to use program
  2. Sign out & Toggle between 3D mode/Quick mode
  3. Project Menu
    • Setting and functions for project
  4. System List & Status
    • System list and status in project
  5. Screen View & Filter
    • Full or split view setting and select filters to see system
  6. Modeling Area
    • System 3D modeling configuration and view
  7. Property Area
    • Property change and view of selected components in modeling area

Main Menu

Home(FITVAC™ Solution logo)Move to FITVAC™ Solution website
ProjectNew…Create a new project
Open…Open & manage the projects
SaveSave current project
ExportExport the project file (.ftv)
Import…Import the project file (.ftv)
Simulation ReportSimulation results data of system
PumpManage Pump…Manage the pumps
Manage Pump Data…Manage the pump datas
Pump Digitizer…Create a pump data from the pumping speed chart image
Help(Version)FITVAC™ Solution version
(Plan name)Plan name current using
User ManualOpen user manual
LanguageChange display language (English/Korean)

Sign out & Toggle between 3D mode/Quick mode

  1. Sign out button
  2. Toggle between 3D mode/Quick mode

Project Menu

Menu Description
check Complete System modeling completion process
play_arrow Run Sim Run the system simulation
close_fullscreen Pump Eval Pump capacity evaluation
Pipe Eval Pipe conductance evaluation
  • Pump Eval and Pipe Eval are only available on Plus or Optimum plan

System List & Status

  1. The number of available systems varies depending on your plan (Single: 1 / Twin: 2 / Plus: 3 / Optimum: 6)
    • Click the delete button to delete system
    • System deletion is only available on Optimum plan, and System 1 cannot be deleted

    • When you finish the system configuration and click the check Complete button, the edit icon disappears and the button label changes to "Completed"

Screen View & Filter

  1. Filter setting
    • Chamber & Pump: Show or hide the chamber and pump
    • Chamber & Pump Height: Display the height from the center of chamber hole & the center of pump inlet to ground
    • Pipe Dimension: Display the dimension from the center of chamber hole to the center of pump inlet (x, y, z)
    • Pipe Length & Angle: Display the pipe length, angle on system
  2. Full screen and split screen
    • Select screen mode, full Screen / vertical split screen / horizontal split screen
    • When the number of system is more than 2, vertical/horizontal screen mode select button is available
    • In the full screen mode, System 1 displayed in modeling area (default)
    • In the split screen mode, System 1 and the last System are displayed in modeling area (default)
    • The systems want to show in the modeling area, click the system and drag & drop to the modeling area → See System Comparison

Modeling Area

  1. Display current system no. & system status
    • Edit Mode: If the system is still in process, the edit icon is displayed
    • View Mode: If the system configuration is complete, the edit icon disappears
  2. Click the home button to locate the system at center of modeling area and initialize perspective
  3. Change perspective
    • Cube, x, y, z-axis displays the perspective of the modeling operation in progress
    • Click a face, edge, vertex of the cube to change the perspective

Zoom In/Out, Move, Rotate

  1. Zoom in/out
    • Scroll the mouse's wheel
    • Drag the mouse up/down with right button clicked
  2. Move
    • Drag the mouse with wheel button clicked
    • Drag the mouse with "Ctrl" or "Shift" key and left button clicked
  3. Rotate
    • Drag the mouse with left button clicked

Property Area

Click the modeling element to view and modify the properties of the element

  • In the View mode, value cannot be modified
  • In the Edit mode, value can be modified