Pump Data Management

  1. Select the "Manage Pump Data" in "Pump" menu
  2. Rename, duplicate, export, delete the pump data
  3. Create a new pump or import a pump file from your PC

Pump Data Creation

  1. Input pump data file name
    • Enter up to 50 characters
    • Pump data file name cannot be duplicated
  2. Input & edit pump data
    • Pump data can be saved with a minimum of 10
    • Up to 50 points can be entered
    • Pumping speed value at atmospheric pressure must be included
    • Data values can be adjusted by moving the display point up or down on the chart
    • Data are sorted in ascending order by pressure
    • Press the add_circle Add Row button to add a Pressure and Pumping Speed row
    • Press the "delete" button to delete a row

Pump Digitizer

  • Extract pumping speed data from pumping speed images
  • Take a screenshot of pumping speed data images from vendor's website, catalog, manual, brochure, etc. or save them as picture files
  • Saved files can be converted to pump data file (.fpd) using Digitizer

  1. Click the "Pump Digitizer" in "Pump" menu
  2. Upload image
    • add_chart Load Image: Import an image file of pumping speed chart
      • Upload an image from your PC or paste a screenshot
      • Acceptable image file format: bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png
      • Acceptable image file size: 1 MB or less
    • bar_chart Load Sample: Load the sample image of pumping speed chart
  3. Zoom in/out the image and fit the image to the Digitizer screen size

Axis Calibration

  1. Axis Calibration
    • Both the X and Y axis default to Log scale, which can be changed to Linear scale by clicking
      • If the settings of log scale and linear scale are different from the scale on the image, incorrect data will be extracted
    • To avoid errors, it is recommended to check that the extracted data values have the same values as those on the image before use
  2. Enter the minimum and maximum values for the x axis and click the ads_click button to set the points of those minimum and maximum values on the chart using crosshairs
    • Select the same unit for the x axis as the units shown at the bottom of the chart
  3. Enter the minimum and maximum values for the y axis and click the ads_click button to set the points of those minimum and maximum values on the chart using crosshairs
    • Select the same unit for the y axis as the units shown at the left side of the chart
  4. Click the Fix Axis Calibration button to fix the axis calibration

Pump Data Creation

  1. Click the points along the chart on the pumping speed image to generate pumping speed data (up to 50 points)
    • Point Editing
      • Delete, move, and add
    • Recommendation and others:
      • 20 points or more recommended (at least 10 points needed to save)
      • Including the starting and ending data of the pumping speed
      • Including the atmospheric pressure and corresponding pumping speed data
      • Pump data file (.fpd) can be saved and opened in the pump data list for editing
  2. Pressure & pumping speed data table
    • Data are sorted in ascending order by pressure
  3. Click the Reset button to delete all data points and initialize settings

Pump Data Saving

  1. Data deletion
    • Click the do_not_disturb_on Delete Point button to activate the point deletion mode
    • Data can be deleted by clicking on the point you want to delete
    • After data deletion, Click the do_not_disturb_on Delete Point button to inactivate the point deletion mode
    • Click the cancel Clear All Points button to delete all data
  2. Input pump data file name
    • Enter up to 50 characters
    • Pump data file name cannot be duplicated
  3. Pump data saving
    • download Export to File: Export the pump data file (.fpd)
    • save Save: Save the pump data file (.fpd) to your account on the web

Pump Data Using

  • Pump data use when creating a pump
    • Click the "format_list_bulleted Select Pump Data" button to select pump data from the list