Changed camera viewpoint to be reset when creating a new project or importing a new project while a project is open
Changed View Filter in 3D mode to allow selection of chambers and pumps separately
Interpolation of chart data
Fixed an error where changing the Chamber Holes checkbox while Pipe Eval is enabled in 3D mode would not update the pipe color
Fixed an issue where changing the ID value of a Miter in 3D mode would not automatically change the F value if it did not meet the conditions
Other minor bug fixes
Changed the program to start in the last mode used by the user (3D/Quick)
Added the ability to set the presence or absence of gate valves per system in Quick mode
Added the ability to reset the system when only system 1 is present in 3D mode
Removed process requirements information from the Simulation tab in 3D mode
Added a label to the Pump Down Time, Throughput chart that allows you to identify each process requirement
Changed results to update when re-running simulation with charts popped up
Changed the pop-up charts to close when the mode is changed or the project is changed
Other minor bug fixes
3D Mode
Improved the ability to add an blank system when adding a new system
Improved the Evacuation Time, Gas Throughput chart to display the evacuation rate that matches the process requirements when evaluating pumps (only if it is within 30% to 300% of the system evacuation rate)
Improved the chart to not show data for systems outside the mouse cursor (guide lines)
Improved handling of switching between screens when using split screens
Improved chamber and pump modeling
Added a menu to delete all pipes even while adding pipes
Quick Mode
Improved the ability to add an empty system when adding a new system
Show pipe icons when selecting a pipe type
Changed the delete pipe button to appear on the right side of each pipe
Improved the ability to select with or without loss option in system settings
Improved charts to not show data for systems outside of the mouse cursor (guide lines)
Improved the evacuation time and gas throughput charts for pump evaluation to display the evacuation rate that matches the process requirements (only if it is within 30% to 300% of the system evacuation rate)
Other minor error fixes and optimizations
UI/UX Redesign
Improved screen layout, system selection, and copying feature
Change chart design to improve data readability
Make the solution more usable by improving UX across the program
Improved usability by integrating pump and pump data management
New Feature
Added effective pumping speed simulation chart - Provides simulation results for the effective pumping speed at the chamber, along with the pumping speed of the pump and the conductance of the piping
Provides simulation results for the effective pumping speed at the chamber, along with the pumping speed of the pump and the conductance of the piping (Quick mode)
Korean language support
RTL support
Apply number format internationalization
3D Mode
Enabled selected piping to be highlighted
Enabled the pump name input window to be selected when attempting to complete a system without a pump name
View Filter is now initialized when the project is opened
Improved 3D rendering performance
Quick Mode
Re-ordered pipe property columns
Added per-pipe delete button
Other minor error fixes and optimizations
Made it possible to delete pipes with the Delete key
Added ability to remove pumps
Improved chamber and pump modeling
Improved resizing and hole positioning when setting up chambers
Improved digitizer functionality
Improved limit value validations when entering numbers
Improved chart display
Some layout adjustments
Minor error fixes
Active/inactive project menu update
Pipe connection regulations update
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